
Who We Are

Akurase Mpuntuo is an Akan phrase which literally means ‘rural development’. Akurase Mpuntuo Foundation is a nonprofit organisation that seeks to empower the residents of rural or deprived communities in Ghana and improve their wellbeing.

Rural dwellers constitute close to half of the world’s population but do not have adequate services, infrastructure, and opportunities to empower them and improve their wellbeing. In Ghana, more than 40 percent of the population resides in rural areas, and they face higher barriers to quality education and healthcare, economic opportunities, food security, and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) facilities, among others.

We firmly believe that sustainable development cannot be achieved by leaving rural dwellers behind. Therefore, we ensure they are included in every way. We collaborate with the government and its agencies, civil society organisations, international organisations, and interested individuals to achieve our missions. We rely on relevant data, research, and stakeholder engagements to inform our programming.


To empower the residents of rural or deprived communities in Ghana and improve their well-being.


To facilitate access to quality education and skill development, promote quality healthcare, encourage innovative agriculture, provide WASH facilities and services, and leverage indigenous practices to improve health and well-being.

Core Values

In love, faith, and hope, we assist and impact lives. The future is now, so we act immediately. We learn through research and practice.

What We Do

  • Education and Skill Training

    Under this theme, we facilitate access to quality, uninterrupted education and skill training for young people in rural or deprived communities in Ghana. We achieve this by providing career mentorship, merit scholarships, libraries, and ICT labs, among other resources.

  • WASH

    This theme focuses on facilitating access to affordable potable water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities and services for residents of rural or deprived communities in Ghana

  • Innovative Agricultural

    Under this theme, we assist smallholder farmers in gaining access to inputs/fertilizers, markets, extension services, mechanization, and training to empower them to treat ‘farming as a business’, and not just for subsistence purposes.

  • Quality Healthcare Program

    This program facilitates access to quality healthcare in rural or deprived communities.

  • Research and Policy Advocacy

    We conduct research in our thematic areas and vigorously advocate for policies that favour the sustainable development of rural or deprived communities.

Current Programs

Akurase Mpuntuo Mentorship Program

We pair young people in rural or deprived communities with experienced mentors from industry, academia, and nonprofit organizations to receive personal and career mentorship over a one-year period. The mentors guide the young people to clearly define their career paths, set achievable and realistic goals, and devise strategies to achieve their goals. The mentors have included lecturers, medical doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, development experts, among others.

Beyond the mentorship, we support our mentees in accessing higher education and scholarships, including purchasing application forms and granting scholarships to those who merit them. Through this initiative, numerous youths have discovered their life’s calling and pursued it with vigor.

End-of-Year Health Walk and Medical Screening

End-of-Year Health Walk and Medical Screening: As the year draws to a close, we organize health walks and medical screenings in rural or underserved areas to raise awareness about the residents’ health and well-being. These events provide comprehensive medical check-ups and ensure that necessary medical attention is available, allowing participants to enter the new year in good health. To date, over 1,300 individuals have benefited from our annual health initiatives. We collaborate with nearby hospitals and medical experts to implement this program.


Rural Girl Child Empowerment Program

Women in rural or underserved areas bear the harshest brunt of the depravities in such areas, preventing them from rising to higher heights. The inadequacy of law enforcement agencies in such areas emboldens perpetrators of girl child abuse to continue with their ungodly acts without punishment. Under this program, we empower girls in such areas by educating them about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, providing them with sustainable and environmentally friendly sanitary pads, and training them to be economically independent. Additionally, we collaborate with social welfare departments to ensure that incidents of girl child abuse are promptly reported to law enforcement agencies for the victims to get justice and protection



Akurase Mpuntuo is an Akan phrase which literally means ‘rural development’. Akurase Mpuntuo Foundation is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that seeks to empower residents of deprived or underserved communities and improve their livelihoods.

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